We are here to help you in any way we can. Below we have compiled a list of Lice Treatment companies serving the Virginia Beach & the Hampton Roads area.
For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of lice service companies that serve the Virginia Beach and surrounding areas. We’ve been in the business long enough to know the chain of events that occur during a lice infestation.
Because you are here – we can guess that this has happened:
- Mom sees nits and suspects Lice
- Mom races to the drug store to purchase OTC Lice products
- Mom administers the treatment
- Mom gets on the internet to do her research
- Mom begins to get overwhelmed
It’s right about here in your research on the internet that hopefully you’ll discover there is relief, support and help in the Virginia Beach area for lice treatment! A team of helpful, supportive, trained lice removal professionals, who have freaked out just like you and treated hundreds of other families experiencing a lice infestation with success.
We KNOW what you’re going through and we know how to fix it (and help a little with the “freak out”). Because we want to help you the best we can, we want to provide you with all the research information you need.
Below is a list of lice service companies that serve Virginia Beach and the surrounding areas. We of course want you to use our lice treatment service at Let’s Be P.A.L.S, but realize knowledge is power and you need all the power you can get right now!
We don’t know these companies processes, their products or services, but we can provide you with with what we do know so it will be one less search and click for you (we know you are coming close to exhaustion by now). So hang in there and call us for some relief or just to talk to someone. (* indicates recommended)
Lice Doctors – 1-800-224-2537 | www.licedoctors.com
Service the entire Hampton Roads area, mobile only.
*Lickety Nit – 757-469-7373 | www.licketynit.com
Treatment Center located near Indian River Road
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