7 Tips to Spot Lice Eggs with Pictures

Pictures of What Lice Eggs (Nits) Look Like in Hair: 7 Tips to Spot Them


What do lice eggs and nits look like?

Answer from a Lice Expert:

As a lice professional, I’ve developed 9 simple tips to help you identify lice eggs (nits) in seconds. This guide is packed with detailed pictures and tips, so you’ll quickly become an expert at spotting nits.

7 Ways to Identify Lice Eggs (Nits)

1. You Will Usually Find Several Lice Eggs, Not Just One

Female lice lay 7–10 eggs per day. Look closely at the pictures to see how many eggs typically appear in the hair.

2. When in Doubt, Try to Pull It Out – Nits Are Stuck!

Nits are firmly glued to the hair strand. If you can’t easily remove it without sliding it all the way down the hair, it’s likely a nit. Join the Zoom session below to see exactly how this works.

3. Lice Eggs Are Most Often Found in the “Hot Spots”

Nits are frequently laid in specific areas:

  • Behind the ears
  • At the nape of the neck
  • On the crown of the head

Check these areas closely!

4. Look Close to the Scalp for Nits

Nits are usually laid within ¼ inch of the scalp. If you find something further down the hair, it might not be a nit—or it could be an old one from a long-standing infestation.

5. Examine Nits on a White Paper Towel

Remove suspected nits and place them on a white paper towel. While they may appear white in hair, nits are typically amber, golden, or brown once removed.

6. Lice Eggs Have Color to Them, a ‘tail’ and are located on one side of a hair strand

Nits can range from light to dark brown, depending on your hair color and whether they’re hatched or unhatched. The glue attaching a nit to the hair strand often forms a “tail.” This is a key way to distinguish nits from other debris. Nits attach to one side of the strand. If what you’re seeing wraps around the hair, it’s likely not a nit.

7. Lice Eggs’ Shape and Size Remain the Same

Nits are always teardrop-shaped and about the size of a small thread knot. If you’re seeing varying sizes or shapes, it may be dandruff or another scalp condition.

See What Nits Look Like

Book a Zoom session for step-by-step instructions to identify lice or eradicate lice with a lice professional at your side!

Why Is It So Hard to Get Rid of Lice?

The answer is “super lice.” Over time, lice have become resistant to over-the-counter treatments and home remedies. To effectively eliminate lice, you need to address:

  1. Lice bugs
  2. Lice eggs
  3. Preventing reinfestation

That’s why I offer a  Zoom Session to help families get rid of lice for good.

So You Have Lice – What Now?

Using these tips, you can confidently identify nits and take action. If you find lice, don’t panic! Book a Zoom session to learn professional techniques to remove lice at home and be done with lice by the end of the day.

Meet Julie

Hi, I’m Julie a lice expert, coach, and have been helping families for almost 25 years to eradicate lice safely & effectively. I’ve helped thousands of families using professional techniques that really work. Book a Zoom sessions to learn how to get rid of lice efficiently and effectively from the comfort of your home!

nits on a hair strand
tan colored nit
nits in blonde hair
lice nits on a paper towel