Here are Your Options When it Comes to Treating Head Lice
You do have options whent it comes to lice treatment. If you are here you’ve probably been trying to go it alone and have been unsuccesful. It’s okay, it’s not your fault. If you are using OTC (over the counter products) they are no longer effective at killing the bugs, the lice have become resistent to permethrin, the pesticide in Nix and Rid and are no longer effective at killing live lice.
Lice meticulously secrete and glue their eggs to our hair strands, about a 1/4 of an inch from our scalp. It’s very difficult to remove the eggs without the proper product and tools and these don’t come in anything you can buy OTC. There are 2 main reasons you can’t get rid of lice:
1. You don’t have the proper tools or product or 2. You aren’t checking all family and extended family members.
This is so important and often overlooked because they don’t have symptoms.
So, here are some of your options:
- Buy OTC products like Rid or Nix and try to go it alone. Some things to note: Sometimes these products can burn the scalp and it makes it more difficult to comb the child or person. Notably children, teenagers always endure treatment better from someone other than Mom or Dad.
- Call your health care provider and have them write a prescription for you. Ask them which one as mamy call in Permethrin 1-5% and if you are using an OTC you have already tried that (1%). Sklice (Ivermectin – also used to treat Scabies) is another alternative that Doctors sometimes prescribe. It comes in a lotion or a pill. Keep in mind that the Doctor will not be doing the work, you will still want to remove the lice eggs (nits). Sklice is scarce and can be very expensive even if you have insurance.
- You can try at home treatments. These treatments like the Nuvo (Cetaphil) treatment and Olive Oil use the smother technique. This technique will work but you have to do it every night over night for 3 weeks (the life cycle of the bug) Lice eggs take 7-10 days to hatch and another 7-10 days to become an adult.
All of your options are discussed in detail below. If you have any questions we offer free phone consultations. You can also join our PALS Club where your family is covered with free screenings and deeply discounted treatment options.
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